For more than two decades now I have been exploring the path to total well-being and making it a priority to live it. Wanting to know, to grow, to experience, the fullness of life and how to cultivate it from the inside. Wanting to take responsibility for my own well-being and learn how to create a healthy life for my body, mind, and spirit, while learning to live more harmoniously with nature and community. I moved to a rural area on the island of Hawaii to simplify my life after 13 years of a hectic and unhealthy professional urban lifestyle. I wanted to slow down, breathe fresh air, be surrounded by nature, open my heart and know what life could be like when lived from a state of inner peace, from a place of freedom. I wanted to be free to care for my physical, mental, and emotional health and learn about everything through experiencing it. I was fortunate to find myself in a place filled with culture creatives and alternative lifestyle communities centered in yogic philosophies, organic farming, local economies, spiritual practices, ecstatic dance, wisdom circles, Hawaiian cultural practices, raw foods, plant medicines, music, consciousness, healing, and intentional community. I live very close to the land on a 3-acre off-grid homestead I have been creating by hand with the intention to live lightly and have space to grow to become a better human in harmony with all of life. The journey continues.

My Story

Snapshots from the land...

Photographs by breeze